Welcome to Hopes for Single Mothers with Disabilities

Breaking barriers, building communities

What we do!


Informal worker rights

Self help groups/community engagement ( village saving)

Agriprenuership (poultry, kitchen gardening)

Training in entrepreneurship development & ICT for teen mothers

Our Programs

Gender Differentiated Research and Advocacy.

We commit to provide evidence and advocate for informed policies, incentives and programs that reduce gender disparities in access to, use and benefit from economic resources and opportunities in various economic sectors in Rwanda. The ultimate objective is to enhance employability and economic engagement of teen mothers & women with disabilities. Accordingly, we undertake the following activities:

  • Gender differentiated research to collect evidence on gender inequalities in access to and benefit from economic opportunities in select sectors of the economy.

  • Dissemination and sharing of findings to enhance awareness of existing disparities in economic engagement in various sectors, explain the underlying causes, and submit gaps in existing initiatives that need to be addressed.

  • Undertake advocacy initiatives, targeting state and non-state actors, to consider and build consensus on measures, incentives, and interventions to reduce inequalities in development process.

Sustainability and Competitiveness of Enterprises Owned.

Our interest is to promote sustainable, and competitive enterprises owned by women. Can be competitive within existing market, generate gainful returns, and sustained over a medium-long term. Hence forthwith, we design and deliver innovative solutions to as needed by women entrepreneurs. Therefore, we offer the following major undertakings include:

  • Designing and offering tailored skilling programs aimed at enhancing enterprise management competence; and promoting employability, especially for lucrative vocations; competence for increased productivity and returns (income).

  • Support provision of regular and affordable advisory support and mentoring services to help women adopt: (i) environment smart and modern farming practices; and value addition technologies to guarantee demand of their products at higher prices.

  • Building capacities of individual women farmers and their groups as “resident experts” to support other women entrepreneurs and remain community resources long after our interventions.

Empowerment of Adolescent Girls with Disabilities.

We conduct adolescent empowerment programs, every school holiday, to help the youth, from schools with persistent low academic performance, to pursue their personal and career aspirations. The program provides an opportunity for interaction with career counselors, educationist, professionals, role models and motivational speakers on matters relevant to their personal and career development as stipulated below:

  • Why and how should an individual contribute to human development at home, community, school?

  • Who am I? A critical question in understanding oneself, especially the potential talents and inner strengths to be harnessed, inevitable weaknesses to be addressed or managed – and thereby providing a foundation for personal development and informed career choices.

  • Behaviors and practices that promote a healthy and productive life, prevent the spread of infectious diseases (Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV), and promotion of psychological well-being.

  • Understanding the value for work as well as a need to start income-generating activities to supplement parental support, and requirements for enhanced employability.

  • Effective use of communication technologies, including computer literacy, for their career advancement, personal development and economic empowerment.



email us : info@hsmdhopes.org

Tel: +250788848044

Location: Kigali-Rwanda


Your donation will help us empower teen mothers and women with disabilities in Rwanda.

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